Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Friend, Lost

Truth be told, I am extremely burdened over Jonas.

Ever since he was selected to be Receiver of Memory, Jonas has been acting abnormally. Yesterday, when we walked back to our dwellings after training, out of the blue, he simply came to an abrupt halt standing there in the middle of the road. His eyes were filled with something I cannot put my finger on. Sorrow, maybe? Was it fear? No, those words are not precise. Somehow, the expression in his eyes that evening strikes me deeply. It was beyond my grasp. It was beyond words. Jonas wouldn’t respond and simply shoved me away when I showed him concern a few seconds after that. Well, it isn’t the first time he’s done that either. Over the period of these short few months I’ve grown used to the changed Jonas.

He wasn’t always like this. Out of all three of us; Asher, Jonas and I, he was the one with the most composure and maturity. While I had patience and tolerance, it had a certain limit, and Asher seemed to cross it every single time he got into one of his childish antics. I would lean over to gently remind him not to repeat his mistake lest one of our instructors came passing by and called him in for chastising again. He, being the juvenile character he is, would then retort back, and I would shoot a comment back at him till the people around us start to turn their heads in amusement and disapproval. It would be Jonas that acted as peacemaker to stop our bickering, every time, without fail. Out of the three of us, Jonas had the most sense of humour too. Whenever we were feeling upset, it would be him who comforted us with words of encouragement and laughter to cheer us up. (I absolutely cannot comprehend why I seem to always twist the meaning of a joke when I say one, and the jokes that Asher says just makes us feel worse.) We could count on Jonas as a friend to support us, to offer a smile.

But now, Jonas has changed so much that I can barely recognise him at all. There are dark shadows under his eyes and over his brow. His hair is tousled and messy, as if he had just awakened. I seldom see him because his training seems to end so much later than the rest of ours. I make an effort to wait outside his training venue for him, but evening comes and I have to wheel away on my bicycle to get home on time. When I do get the chance to catch a glimpse of Jonas, however, he is weary and exhausted. He comes off so fragile that I subconsciously filter my words in my head before I speak them to him, in fear of saying the wrong things that will instantly crush him. Yet when he opens his mouth, voice flowing out, it is stone-hard, reserved. His eyes are soft, but beneath them I sense a spirit of pain, anguish. Jonas is hiding something, I am certain of it. I just do not know what. I will have to analyse the situation soon.

Today the Instructor taught me the steps of the art of Release. I have always been fascinated by Release. I used to lie in bed, wondering how it would be carried out. Witnessing my elderly friends being Released gives me a sense of achievement and joy. It instills comfort in me as I see the blissful peace on their faces after the procedure. The Instructor says that it is essentially injecting the needle into the vein at the nape of their right or left arm and inserting the chemical, depending on which they used more often. Most are right-handed, though a handful of the elderly people are left-handed. None of our friends are left-handed now, except for Jonas. That is yet another thing that makes him so different. Scientists are working hard to fix it, my Instructor says. Soon there will be no more left-handers.

I trained on a mannequin today, using the syringe to inject some water into its cotton arm. Soon I shall have the honour of helping my friends carry out Release. There is little I yearn so much to do aside from this beautiful art. John, a Nurturer-in-training, reveals to me that Release of newchildren isn’t that different at all too; just that we have to inject the chemical into the forehead vein, as newchildren’s arm veins are too minute and thin to spot.

I shall be carrying out my first Release on Maria, the pleasant lady who was once a Doctor in a few days. It will be a dream come true. Perhaps a friend, once lost, would return back to us, too. That is what I long for the most.



  1. Hi, Rachel! I really like the way you write your posts! It really intrigues me, and made me want to read some more. I feel that your way of writing in different perspectives really brings on a new light to 'The Giver'. I had never thought deeply into how each different characters thought or feel throughout the story. Your posts have really made me want to re-read 'The Giver' again-- this time from a new perspective. Thank you for reminding me to take extra notice of other characters, their possible feelings or views, after all, they play a part in shaping the story too. It is indeed interesting that books can be read in such a fun way too!
    I especially like the way on how you show the growing up, maturing process Jonas undergoes, through Fionas's eyes. Not stating who you are in the beginning, really adds on a mysterious atmosphere, a suspense that draws on the reader to read on. I also like the way on how you show the contrast of Jonas before and after he matures. It sorts of show and brings out the fact that he had sacrificed some of things he values like friendship with Fiona and Asher in exchange for the truth and growth in both his mind and spirit.
    I think this is a pretty good attempt on writing a interesting and creative blog. Keep up the good work!:)

  2. I think that the way you write your post is very unique and different. You seem to always choose one character and depict what the character would probably be feeling at that point of the book. For example, at this post you take the view of Fiona, how she sees and feels towards Jonas’ gradual change in personality and how the fatigue of receiving memories seem to make him haggard. You do this depiction and description very well, especially since you are able to describe well into detail, hence it really seems (reading only the extract) that the focus is not on Jonas but rather on any character you chose. I think that this is quite an accomplishment! :)
    I think you were able to show how ignorant a “normal” person in the Giver is especially compared to the receiver of memories. Your post was able to show that most of the Nurturers do not even recognise it as killing someone, something that is morally wrong. This is shows the ignorance of the people as they do not even know how to distinguish what is moral and what is inhumane. This is the total opposite of what we and the Giver have learnt and known.
    Overall I think you did a very unique blog which is very good. It seems like a fresh new idea after reading blogs which roughly have the same structure. Great Job! :)

    HUI LIN...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hey Rachie! You sure write really fast…

    I felt that your way of writing, as Ms Li had said, was really interesting. While reading your post, I felt that I was reading a whole story on its own. I really would not have thought of writing a post like that and I think it was truly creative for you to come up with such an idea of writing from Fiona’s perspective instead of the original one in Jonas’s. I feel that the story was well-done and there was a flow between each paragraph.

    Though you added quite a few details such as Jonas’s behavior and appearance, you did however manage to keep to the original plot. For example, you mentioned in the last three paragraphs that Fiona had recently learnt the art of release and was going to perform her first release ceremony in a few day’s time. This fits into the original plot as the Giver had also told Jonas that “Fiona is already being trained in the fine art of release” and that she is “very efficient at her work”.

    In the second last paragraph, Fiona feels that it is an honour to help her friends carry out release, where it gives here much comfort to see their blissful expressions after the procedure. Also, she casually adds that a Nurturer-in-training had revealed to her that Release of newchildren was very much the same. From these statements, I feel that you really brought out the ignorance and how unfeeling the people are.

    Ignorance is seen whereby the people do not actually know exactly what they are doing. They follow rules so obediently, never questioning them that killing has become a norm. It is also mentioned by the Giver that “[the people] can’t help it [because] they know nothing”. Also, in the Giver, people’s lives are very sheltered from all the past disasters that has happened to mankind. Having never seen a person die out of a natural course, the people would of course not know that they are killing someone. Not knowing what they are doing, they will therefore, not be able to feel sadness or anything for the person being released.

    At the start, you mentioned about Asher’s personality. I think that the words or phrases that you used to bring out his personality such as “[getting into his] childish antics’ was very aptly used because it is also stated in the original copy that he is “such fun”, but has “no serious interest”.

    Jonas had seen the memory of a war and it pretty much did disturb Jonas quite a bit. The second memory of the sled was also so painful that he asked the Giver for medication though he knew it was prohibited. In the first paragraph, you said that Jonas would abruptly halt in the middle of the road, had dark shadows under his eyes and that his hair was constantly tousled and messy. I think it’s a really good add on to the original book about the description of how Jonas would be after receiving so many painful memories by now.

    Overall, I really enjoyed the story.

  7. erm... sorry Rachie. I kinda messed up your comment box. Deleted twice...


    You have a very interesting way of writing and I love reading your posts! Ha-Ha.

    I agree that Fiona was really confused about what had brought about the change in Jonas. She was very curious about Jonas's training because ever since Jonas started to go for his Receiver of Memory training,he became a totally different person. From a joyful and fun boy to a dull and exhausted stranger, which Fiona does not even recognise.

    You said that Fiona could "sense pain, anguish" in Jonas. However, the community do not have feelings. Feelings were not part of what they have learnt. The whole community is unfeeling. Only Jonas and the Giver know feelings, through the memories transmitted to them. So, Fiona could not have sensed the feelings of pain and anguish in Jonas as she herself do not know what feelings are. Hence, I think that what you said is not very accurate. :)

    The rest of your post brings out a few major themes such as ignorance. The part where Fiona was facinated by released shows that she is oblivious to the fact that release is actually killing someone.

    As what May Sin had commented, I feel like re-reading the book again in a new perspective, all thanks to your wonderful post!




    I have to say that your style of writing fascinates me:D
    heheh, it is really interesting, yet intriguing- just simply amazing.
    I really enjoyed reading your blog posts, especially since you do yours in a distinctively different manner.

    I saw your post on Fiona a day, or perhaps two, ago. It really caught my eye, so I decided to read it.
    Im really glad I decided to read your post!(:
    It is simply amazing, reading essentially the same story through the eyes of a different character- Fiona.

    Fiona, who pales in comparison when put next to Jonas- the Receiver of Memory. As Jonas takes on such an important an highly respected role,he is obviously more highly sought after, as compared to Fiona- just a normal Twelve who has been given a normal Assignment.
    Hence, I was definitely surprised when I read the second or third paragraph and found out that you were writing from her point of view. This is as Fiona is often perceived as such a minor character in the book, and as the book is written from Jonas's point of view(a first person narrative) , the author does not allow us to delve into the secrets of the other characters, or undderstand their thoughts and feelings.

    Anyway, you have done a great job writing from her point of view!

    Just by reading your post, it is almost as if I were Fiona, experiencing everything. All the changes, all the teachings, etcetra.
    I really like the fact that you have shown how the community is so unaware, so ignorant of the outside world- 'Elsewhere', and are just contented and satisfied with the simple lives they are living. It can be seen evidently through the teaching of the steps of release- Fiona does not know that she is killing someone.

    Through the same incident, the differences between Jonas, and other characters like Fiona can be seen. Not only the physical differences, like his pale eyes, but also their personalities so to speak.
    For example, you have shown Jonas's maturity in this extract. The fact that he can be seen thinking, reflecting and questioning.Whereas the other characters just take something as it is, and do not bother to further question anything.

    Something I would really like to point out would be that - you have shown how knowledge can change a person- a statement which I think true.
    You see, Jonas has changed so much after his trainings with The Giver, in which he aquired new knowledge, and finally sees how life is supposed to be. He also becomes aware of the lives he had been living, as well as the lives of the others in the community.
    After those trainings, you have described Jonas as having been 'changed'. Through your descriptions, it can be seen that he has been so affected that his attitude, personality and even responses to things have changed.
    Thus, how knowlege changes people can be clearly seen:D
    It is the same with us, as we grow up, we gain new knowledge and this changes our perception on things as well as the awareness of the world around us!
    'Ignorance is bliss'.I think your post has really made others realise why people think this way.
    However, even though ignorance may be blissful, I really do not want to be deprived of knowing certain things- it would simply become being 'cheated' of real things, or even being 'lied' to after a period of time.

    I really like your style of writing!
    Keep up the great work(:

  10. Hello Rachel :)
    I really liked the way you wrote this post. I can describe your post in 3Is. They are interesting, innovative and intriguing. Firstly, it is interesting because you have explained Fiona’s emotions very well giving the reader a different perception of things. Also, making Fiona not realizing what release really is and consider that an “art” shows she is unaware of the things that she is doing. Moreover, I find your post very innovative. I did not read any other posts like yours, from a different point of view. According to me, it gives me a wider view of Jonas’s community by giving the point of view of a normal person in that community. Finally, the way you paragraphed your writing creates the suspense which makes the reader want to read on. For example, in the first paragraph you did not mention it was Fiona who was “writing” the post. Furthermore, as this is a new view point of Jonas’s community, I wanted to know what the other person, in this case Fiona’s, opinion on the changes in Jonas.

    Your post also showed me the fact that the minor characters are not less important than the main character. They play an important role in the book too, bringing out the themes of the book, the features of the society and the characteristics of Jonas. I realized that if the minor characters were the protagonist, then they will be the main character. Rachel, your post is really an eye-opener! You have done a great job.

    (sorry, it's not a good comment compared to the others')
